

sabato 23 maggio 2020

Karting season by WSK is set to restart from Adria on July 5th with a new calendar after the long stop due to the Covid-19 emergency. A new racing format will be proposed in some occasions. The complete calendar will include the final races of WSK Super Master Series and then WSK Euro Series, WSK Open Cup and WSK Final Cup.

Maglie (ITA), 23.05.2020
The complete WSK calendar has been rescheduled after the very long lock-down that has stopped sporting activity in Italy and in the rest of the world. The restart is set for July 5th in Adria at the International Adria Karting Raceway, that will mark – as everybody hopes – the reopening of the whole karting movement by WSK, after a lot of weeks of forced stop due to the Covid-19 emergency.

After the three initial rounds of WSK Champions Cup run on January 26th in Adria and the WSK Super Master Series also held in Adria on February 2nd and February 23rd in Lonato, the WSK Super Master Series will resume in the weekend of July 1st-5th in Adria that will stage the third round of categories Mini, OKJ, OK as KZ2 will join them. The four categories Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ2 will get again on track in a new event on July 14-18th in Lonato. In this case the event will kick off on Tuesday July 14th and will end on Saturday July 18th to give more leeway to teams and drivers for the following opener of WSK Euro Series in Sarno.

The first round of WSK Euro Series will take place in Sarno and will include a double round (Round 1 and Round 2) with all the categories (Mini, OKJ, OK, KZ2) on track from Monday, July 20th to Sunday, July 26th. The new format for the double round in Sarno follows:
Monday: Free practice.
Tuesday: Warm-up, qualifying Round 1, heats Round 1;
Wednesday: Warm-up, heats Round 1;
Thursday: Warm-up, qualifying Round 2, heats Round 2;
Friday: Warm-up, heats Round 2;
Saturday: Warm-up, Prefinals Round 1, Finals Round 1;
Sunday: Warm-up, Prefinals Round 2, Finals Round 2.

WSK Euro Series will reach its conclusion on September 16-20th in Lonato with the third round featuring the four categories Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ2 on track.

The WSK season will close in new venues. The WSK Open Cup will be entirely run in Adria with the double round to be held on November 23rd-29th with Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ2. The racing format will go from Monday, 23rd to Sunday, November 29th (Finals Round 1 on Saturday, Finals Round 2 on Sunday).

The WSK Final Cup will take place in Sarno on December 10-13th with Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ2 on track.

The calendar of the WSK 2020 events follows:


NEW Rd.3 - 01-05.07.2020 – ADRIA – MINI, OKJ, OK, KZ2
NEW Rd.4 - 14-18.07.2020 – LONATO – MINI, OKJ, OK, KZ2 (Final on Saturday)


NEW Rd.1+Rd2 20-26.07.2020 – SARNO – MINI, OKJ, OK, KZ2
NEW Rd.3 16-20.09.2020 – LONATO – MINI, OKJ, OK, KZ2

NEW Rd.1+Rd2 23-29.11.2020 – ADRIA – MINI, OKJ, OK, KZ2.

NEW 10-13.12. 2020 – SARNO – MINI, OKJ, OK, KZ2.

Approval of competent authorities is still pending.

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Press Office

Picture credits: Sportinphoto



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